News — OpenShelving
Small-Space Living: 6 Tips for Maximizing Storage in the Minimal Bath
BathroomStorage NotReviewed OpenShelving PegRails Small

The overflowing medicine cabinet. The stingy towel bar that accommodates precisely half of your family’s needs. The tub that’s overrun with bath toys. Sound familiar? At some point we’ve all had to live within the confines of the tiny bathroom. Fortunately, there are easy ways to make a boxy space work better—and feel bigger. The key is to get organized, edit out the excess, and consider these storage tips. 1. Ditch the towel bar. First and foremost, when maximizing the minimal bath, you need to take advantage of available wall space. In tight quarters, towel bars are space sucks. In...
Steal This Look: A Cheerful Kitchen in Echo Park
Brass Kitchen LosAngeles OpenShelving Yellow

It’s been years since we first covered the Echo Park Airbnb of two of LA’s buzziest creatives—fashion designer Beatrice Valenzuela and her partner, wood and metal artist Ramsey Condor—but we haven’t forgotten its charm. With summer about to take a bow, we thought it would be a good time to revisit its sunny and colorful kitchen, the kind that can brighten the dreariest of mornings. The kitchen is small but highly practical. All the essentials are stored out in the open, on open ash wood shelving designed by Ramsey. The built-ins are all custom, but luckily, most everything else is shoppable....
Steal This Look: A Cheerful Kitchen in Echo Park
Bronze Kitchen LosAngeles OpenShelving Yellow

It’s been years since we first covered the Echo Park Airbnb of two of LA’s buzziest creatives—fashion designer Beatrice Valenzuela and her partner, wood and metal artist Ramsey Condor—but we haven’t forgotten its charm. With summer about to take a bow, we thought it would be a good time to revisit its sunny and colorful kitchen, the kind that can brighten the dreariest of mornings. The kitchen is small but highly practical. All the essentials are stored out in the open, on open ash wood shelving designed by Ramsey. The built-ins are all custom, but luckily, most everything else is shoppable....