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My disappointment was palpable this year after learning the 9th Annual World Food Championships (WFC), one of the largest events in food sport, had been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. WFC 2020 was scheduled to take place this fall in Dallas, Texas. While I may have been severely disappointed about the cancellation of this year’s competition, imagine the organizer’s lament after long hours of planning and preparations to conclude that it just wasn’t safe to hold WFC 2020. Equally disappointed upon hearing the news are the 1,400 cooks from 42 states and 15 countries. Some Good News: However, despite...
Gourmet pizza at home has never been so easy or tasty! In about 45 minutes, you can make this incredibly easy homemade whole wheat pizza dough from scratch to use tonight or later
BakedGoods PastaAndPizza Pizza PizzaDough Recipe tastyrecipes

Freezing instructions included. Pizza dough is so easy and cheap to make at home. With just a few pantry ingredients, you’ll be rolling out your own pizza dough like a pro! The best part is, this recipe is made with nutritious white whole wheat flour. But unlike many whole wheat pizza dough recipes, it is still light and tasty. What ingredients do I need to make pizza dough? The ingredients in homemade pizza dough are simple. I bet you have most in your pantry already! Active dry yeast Sugar Olive Oil Honey Salt White whole wheat flour (or half all-purpose...