I hope you’ve enjoyed this crochet-a-long so far. This is our last week and we’re moving on to the “fun” part of the project; the embellishments. Oh what fun! If you’ve never painted on crochet before, you’re about to embark on a fun and exciting adventure. This was my first time…
to paint on crochet and you can bet, it won’t be the last! I had a lot of fun with a slight bit of a learning curve. Just be sure not to over saturate your Q-tip with rubbing alcohol. Your color will bleed – I found out the hard way. LOL But thankfully where it bled, my leaves helped cover the boo-boo!
Spider Web Pumpkin Doily About Description CAL Schedule & Links Pattern in PDF Format
Over the past few years I've designed Halloween crochet-a-longs because they are so much fun! But quite often I underestimate the work involved. But I love designing these doilies and would truly appreciate it if you'd take time to comment in the comment sections to show your interest and/or participation in the CAL. When I feel that I'm working alone, designing becomes disappointing. It's the interaction, comments, questions and more that makes a CAL a success for both the participants as well as the designer. This CAL includes painting your pumpkins - a new experience for me! I love the effect and I just may be designing more projects in the future that include painting! I hope you enjoy this CAL.
This pattern is in text format and written in English. The doily is worked in the round. While the doily includes a filet portion, it does not include a chart.
This crochet-a-long will be presented over the course of 5 weeks beginning September 11, 2019 and ending on October 9, 2019.
Introduction & Information (September 11, 2019) Week 1 - the pinwheel center (September 18, 2019) (Not yet available) Week 2 - the pumpkin filet section (September 25, 2019) (Not yet available) Week 3 - the spider web edging (October 2, 2019) (Not yet available) Week 4 - the embellishments (October 9, 2019) (Not yet available) These products work well for this project!
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Spider Web Pumpkin Doily (The Embellishments)
Designed by: Cylinda Mathews
1 (350-yd) ball 100% cotton thread, size 10, (black) Sm amt 100% cotton thread, size 10 (green) Steel crochet hook size 8 USA (1.50 mm)
Other Materials:
Tapestry needle Q-tips Rubbing alcohol Sharpie (orange & green) Cardboard or other means to protect surface Glue gun/glue
Skill Level: Intermediate
Finished Size: 17″ dia
Gauge: 2 rnds filet = 1/2″ T
Special Stitches:
Picot: ch 3, sl st in front top two lps on last st to complete the st.
Pattern tested and model made by: Cylinda Mathews
© Copyright CrochetMemories.com August 2019. All rights reserved
The Embellishments:
Leaf Groupings: (Using green) (Make 8)
Ch 6; sc in 6th ch from hook, (ch 7, turn work, sc in last sc) twice, (ch 9, turn work, sc in last sc) twice, ch 12, sc in 10th ch from hook, ch 9, turn work, sc in last sc, (ch 7, turn work, sc in last sc) twice, ch 5, turn work, sl st in last st: 2 leaves. Fasten off; secure ends.
Painting Pumpkins:
Set out sharpie, rubbing alcohol, Q-tips, and cardboard or other surface to paint on, protecting furniture underneath your work surface.
I recommend practicing painting on crochet before attempting to paint your pumpkins. Once you feel confident, use the sharpie to color in the pumpkins. Start out lightly and color in more as needed. You may want to add a darkened area to help define the pumpkin better as I did with mine, if desired. Once the pumpkin is colored in, use a Q-tip and rubbing alcohol to blend and set the colors. Be careful not to use too much alcohol as the colors will bleed. Use a little and two light applications if needed.
Repeat for each pumpkin and then go back to color in the stems in green (or brown) if preferred to blend and set those colors.
Let the doily dry to set the colors completely. Once dry, spray doily with water or spray starch, if desired and shape on a terry towel to dry. Ensure the picots are pulled out to dry.
After the doily is dry, glue leave sets to stem of each pumpkin.
If desired the pumpkins can be outlined with orange crochet thread after the doily is complete or if preferred, you can change the color while working so the pumpkins are crocheted in with orange thread.
Another option is to color the outside row of each pinwheel with black to add dimension and drama.
Color changes through would also be cute. Work the inside spiral in black, the orange filet section in orange and the spider web edging in white.
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