Watch the video in this post to see how to make this cute DIY Quarantine Ornament. Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more fun videos!
This DIY Quarantine Ornament is perfect for 2020 and makes a great ornament to hang up your Christmas tree to remember the unforgettable year we’ve had.
Let’s face it, 2020 has been brutal and challenging for most. We aren’t the types to celebrate the pandemic COVID year we’ve had but at the end of the day, it’s important to remember the challenges we’ve gone through together fighting this hard disease. I’ve always been a fan of family ornaments and was inspire to make this DIY Quarantine Ornament I’ve seen on Etsy or Amazon! We love making handmade ornaments to look back on each year and since this particular year has been so hard, I know I wanted something meaningful that would show us together as a family.
What do you need to make this Quarantine Ornament?
Wooden beads and craft wooden numbers are mainly all your need to craft this adorable quarantine ornament! We made the hats out of cardstock although felt would probably stand the test of time. The tiny toilet paper is made with a wooden spool and bit of paper towel! Again you could use fabric if you wanted this DIY ornament to last as long as possible.
Last, we love a personalized gift, so we wrote in our family’s names right on the cute Santa hats! This adorable ornament will look so cute on your tree but most importantly, will be a reminder of the challenges you’ve withstood together as a family.
DIY Quarantine Ornament – Materials:
Watch the video in this post to see how to make this cute DIY Quarantine Ornament.
Wooden Beads
Red and White Cardstock
Wooden numbers
Wooden spools
Paper towel
Tiny white pom poms
Black fine tip marker
White paint marker
Hot glue gun
Small eye hook
Watch the video in this post to see how to make this cute DIY Quarantine Ornament.
Step 1. Cut a strip of paper towel the size of your spool, wrap around and secure with hot glue.
Step 2. Hot glue the numbers and spool together.
Step 3. Draw eyes using a fine black tip marker on each wooden bead (one per family member). Draw a mask using a white paint marker. Allow to dry.
Step 4. Cut red triangles for the hat and a strip of white cardtock band. Hot glue those together to make the hat. Then hot glue the finished hats to the wooden beads.
Step 5. For the santa bead that will be the center santa, screw in a small eye hook by hand (where your string for the ornament will loop through).
Step 6. Hot glue the santas to the 2021 bottom.
Step 7. Loop a piece of strong string through the eye hook and tie off. Hang on your Christmas tree!
Watch the video in this post to see how to make this cute DIY Quarantine Ornament.
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The post DIY QUARANTINE ORNAMENT appeared first on Hello Wonderful.
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