
Sweet Sixteen

Sweet Sixteen

 SIXTEEN!We celebrated her after school when I picked her up and surprised her and took her to get her second ear piercing.She had a great day at school and came home with some fun goodies from some of her friends.Kayla watching a video her papa made of her with pictures of her throughout her sixteen years.Brooklyn's card made her cry.  It was so sweet what she wrote to her big sister.She also loved the ridiculous gift she got from Brooklyn, lol.She was very easy to buy for this year because she picked out exactly what she wanted us to buy...

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Bumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna in Oil, 5 oz Cans (Pack of 48) – $38.19, just $0.79/can

Bumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna in Oil, 5 oz Cans (Pack of 48) – $38.19, just $0.79/can

Bumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna in Oil, 5 oz Cans (Pack of 48) – Wild Caught Tuna Amazon dropped the price on this Bumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna in Oil, 5 oz Cans (Pack of 48) – Wild Caught Tuna to just $38.19 with subscribe and save (5+ orders/mo, 15% off). That comes out to $0.79 a can! Super price for this. MSC CERTIFICATION: This seafood has met the MSC’s global standard for sustainability. EXCELLENT SOURCE OF PROTEIN AND VITAMIN B12: Contains 22g Protein and delivers 110% daily value of Vitamin B12 per serving OMEGA 3s: Contains 145mg of...

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Летний салат с макаронами

Летний салат с макаронами

 Этот классический салат из макарон с большим количеством летних овощей и свежей зелени идеально подойдет для летней вечеринки. Ищите самые вкусные продукты в разгар сезона, например, хрустящий редис и огурцы, сочные помидоры и сладкую сырую кукурузу. Мы рекомендуем дать салату из макарон мариноваться не менее 30 минут перед подачей на стол.Летний салат с макаронамиИнгредиенты 1 фунт гемелли или других скрученных макарон, таких как каватаппи 1 чашка оливкового масла 1/3 стакана красного винного уксуса 2 столовые ложки дижонской горчицы 1 столовая ложка меда Кошерная соль и свежемолотый черный перец 4 персидских огурца, разрезанных вдоль пополам и тонко нарезанных (около 2 стаканов) 2 пинты...

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Travel: Go wild for Walla Walla, Washington

Travel: Go wild for Walla Walla, Washington

By David Cohen for Southern California News Group Walla Walla, Washington, is known for much more than the sweet onions. Some of America’s best syrah, grenache, cabernet sauvignon and merlot grapes are grown in the Walla Walla Valley. There’s also a flourishing restaurant industry, and numerous outdoor activities exist to neutralize the calories you will be ingesting during wine tasting and dining. Here’s a primer on what to expect, and what’s worth checking out, during your next visit: Dining Five restaurants you won’t want to miss range from elaborate multi-course affairs to exquisite, unique tacos. Stay hydrated and be sure...

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3 friendship lessons to teach your kids

3 friendship lessons to teach your kids

3 Friendship lessons to teach your kids ~ Written by Melissa Camara Wilkins If, way back when we first started homeschooling, I’d made a list of things my kids would learn, it probably would have included the obvious: Math. Reading. Writing. History. Science. I might even have included Life Skills, meaning things like: how to boil pasta, how to plan a grocery list, how to do the laundry, how to call an Uber, how to apply for a school or a job or an apartment. But I don’t think I realized how much we would be learning about life, all...

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