One curious Reddit user recently sparked a conversation asking people to share their ideas of Christmas gifts that deserve more hype, and people did not disappoint in the replies. From toiletries to groceries, we’ve gathered some of the best underrated gifts down below to help you decide what to hand out this December. Be sure to upvote the ideas you find most brilliant or that you would be thrilled to find under your tree, and then if you’re not quite done channeling your inner Santa Claus, be sure to check out this Bored Panda article featuring even more gift ideas next!
One time at work, we were doing this white elephant thing (I don't remember the exact rules, but essentially, everybody brings a gift and everybody leaves with a different gift). The plan was to buy goofy, funny things, like the non-risque stuff you see at Spencer's or something. When I opened mine, it was a 124 pack of toilet paper. Everybody laughed and thought it was funny, but I've never even come close to receiving a gift as amazing as that, I have no idea why nobody tried to take it from me unless they somehow knew I'd physically fight them over it.
Image credits: Ok_Ad_9188
Premium subscription to something the person already uses the free version of.They're guaranteed to use it, and it's already something they've decided that they weren't going to splurge on themselves for. So as a gift, it's both a necessity and a luxury.
I did this for my wife last year and she still talks about what a great gift it was.

Image credits: Iron_Rod_Stewart
New bedding. That s**t is so expensive.
Image credits: Symnestra
My grandmother paid my gas bill one Christmas. I thought that was a nice present.
Image credits: misa9890
Restaurant gift cards, especially for local, non-chain restaurants. You give them a reason to go eat out with their SO, its thoughtful and usually will bring them a lot of joy.
Image credits: golf_boi_MD
Every year my grandma would get everyone toilet paper, deodorant, toothpaste, Q-tips….didn’t realize how great it was until she was goneGrandma didn’t have a lot of money so she would shop at krogers and however much she saved, she would use towards Christmas toiletries

Image credits: orgasms4ever
One year when I was pretty broke someone gave me a nice tote filled with non perishables. I suddenly had a nice stockpile of stuff like soup, crackers, and cookies and on top of that had a tote to store stuff in when I emptied it!It was way more useful to me than a soap set or something else like that that they could have potentially given me.

Image credits: Likeomgitscrystal
A really good version of something that’s usually inexpensive. A nice pen, great tea or coffee, good leather bound notebooks. Even a nice version of most of those things is going to be under $50 but is still really luxurious.
Image credits: KindaIndifferent
Grandma told us every year, "Just get me something I can smoke, drink, or eat."
Image credits: orbroy2point0
Image credits: Admirable_Dream_
My mom always gives me a “care package” that includes: Toilet paper, paper towels, dish soap, laundry detergent and trash bags from Costco. I look forward to that s**t every year. I don’t have to worry about buying that stuff for a couple months.
Image credits: butidonthave2
One year when I didn't have much money but a lot of wrapping paper, I bought random groceries and wrapped them. No one complained. People called when they used the box of pasta/cake mix/pancakes months later.
Image credits: myraleemyrtlewood
Nice sheets or towels. Everybody enjoys them but no one i know can ever justify spending good money on sheets or towels. I have gifted a bunch and are always well received.
Image credits: erickadue32
A bidet, better than sliced bread
Image credits: Think_History_5682
I don't think I have ever bought pajamas for myself once in my life. Gift pajamas feel more comfy somehow too.
Image credits: Dry-Cartographer-312
Grocery or gas gift cards.
Image credits: TripCraft
A one-time Mobile Detail or Landscaping Service.Got one of each once. Life-changing. Such a small but positive thing to motivate you to keep things that may have gotten out of hand clean.

Image credits: JohnSpartanBurger
Extra long charging cables and a multi port fast charger. Go to the Anker website load up. Show up on Xmas with a bag and say lighting or usb c and hand them out or be god tier and give everyone one of each that’s 6ft long with a fast charger. Everyone needs more cables, not enough people think to go extra long or they just use the charger that came with the device.
Image credits: diatho
Experiences. Like when someone gives you a coupon or something and it's good for going to the movies with them.
Image credits: m5m2m1
Extra phone chargers and wire organizers. I'll be damn glad I have an extra charger if mine goes missing/breaks. It's something I'd probably not think about until it happens, and then I'm scrambling to find a charger before my phone dies.Wire/cord organizers are just great year-round.

Image credits: Oxbridgecomma
Last year my Dad got me a box of snacks. But they were all things from my childhood he would get me if I was emotional in any way. It was just filled with so much love and happy memories.
Image credits: bambiisher
As a kid I used to pity my uncles for getting socks for Christmas. As an adult I look forward to it and its almost always one of my most appreciated gifts.#23
My best friend from college buys me fancy panties every year for Christmas and I love it so much.#24
A well-built multi-tool, like a Leatherman or Victorinox. Finding one portable enough that someone can keep it in a pocket/car/purse means they’re more likely to use it. And a good multi-tool comes in handy much more often than people who don’t have one realize.#25
A massage. I believe the only people who don't need a massage today are the people who got one yesterday. So many people who have never had one don't realize the benefit of getting one and it can be life-changing for people who've been living with some kinds of pain.#27
A hoodie.#28
Quality Coffee
Image credits: Mean_Half_8921
My MIL always gets my husband and I and BIL and his girlfriend a HUGE box of everyday household items for Christmas. Laundry detergent, paper towels, dog treats, lysol, dish soap, bounce sheets, kleenex, etc. BIL once had a girlfriend who complained and said she never wanted to receive that again. I think it's the best gift ever. Totally underrated and totally useful!
Image credits: SweetTea093
As a cat owner: catfood and cat litter for my cat (or a gift card for the respective shops). It’s something that is always needed and very much appreciated at any time of the year.Basically: if unsure- everything for the cat.

Image credits: Nervenzelle
Image credits: Cold_Meringue6981
Jerky.That stuff is too expensive to buy for yourself, like $100/kg, and everybody loves jerky. My cousin got a huge jar of jerky one year, and we were all sitting there gobbling it up around the Christmas tree.

Image credits: minteemist
Wiper blades. Stop pretending they're "fine", you can't f*****g see!
Image credits: BlackLetterLies
Pet toys. I love when people remember my kitties.
Image credits: barbaramillicent
Image credits: nutterbutter83745
A blanket. I don’t care how many f*****g blankets I have, I’ll always appreciate another one.
Image credits: floppleshmirken