What’s Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 2

We've all slotted back into our school/work routine with no problems but last week's menu plan was a bit hit and miss as the meat shelves at Lidl seemed half empty when I went shopping. I bought enough for what we needed but it was more a case of what they had than what I wanted. Oh well ! Pierre has set out on a health kick, trying to boost his muscles, through a combination of sport and eating lots more protein and shakes made with milk/fruit/porridge/peanut butter (is that even a thing ?!) so I'm trying to play along at the moment and fill the fridge with ham, chicken and oodles of fruit. We'll see how long it lasts ! This week was a great week for getting things done - finally managed to get hold of the electricity people so they can come and mend the protections on the cables on the front of our house so that we can (finally) get our roof fixed. Just have to wait for the roofers to get back in touch now - sigh !


lunch- canteen for me, fridge diving for those at home

dinner - beef meatballs with pasta and tomato/peppers/onion sauce


lunch- canteen for me, fridge diving for those at home

dinner- veal in mushroom/cream sauce with rice


lunch- steak, mash and veggies

dinner- pork filet mignon with rice and veg


lunch - catching up with friends for lunch for me, fridge diving for whoever is at home

dinner- leftovers


lunch- canteen for me, fridge diving for those at home

dinner - baked potatoes (with cheese/bacon/onions)


lunch- pasta carbonara

dinner- Deliveroo


lunch- gammon with gratin dauphinois (creamy potato bake) & veg

dinner- leftovers or toast

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

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