We take pizza night very seriously in our house. For years I’ve been making pizza dough from scratch. I find it’s faster than delivery.
Once upon a time, after selling our house, and living in a motorhome while we drove around to find property to start a homestead on, I was working out of my little tiny kitchen. I had a whopping 8” of counter space and our small dinette as additional counter space. One thing I loved about my tiny kitchen was my oven. Sure, it was an rv stove and oven combo but I loved it. Loved it so much that we now have an rv stove in our cabin kitchen.
Let me paint you a picture, my husband and I living in a 30 ft motorhome, we are boon docking in the middle of the woods at a state park, and we were craving pizza. Unfortunately for us, pizzas don’t really get delivered in the middle of the woods. So I took a second, raided my small pantry, and decided to try pizza making from scratch.
And wouldn’t you know! Making pizza is by far the easiest trick in any hostess hat. Whether you are making it using yeast or making a sourdough pizza crust, it could not be easier.
Personally, I love making sour dough pizza with discard . Not only does it make pizza night more delicious, but because it is a fermented food, it’s way more nutritious than your standard delivery pizza.
When we’d be visiting friends or family while living out of our motorhome, we loved making pizzas with everyone. The kids get to be creative and the parents get a night off from traditional cooking. Everyone loves a pizza party and it’s more meaningful when it’s homemade.
Fast forward a couple years and after having my daughter, I realized time is of the essence. Especially when making meals from scratch for my family. I have officially declared Fridays pizza night in our house and my husband could not be happier. One less night I have to defrost meat, plan ahead, or see what I could whip up in a pinch. Every Friday morning, I make the dough. Figure out what meat and cheese I need to get rid of in my fridge. Utilizing that weeks leftovers as leverage if needed. Then forget about it until 4/5pm-ish. If I know Friday morning is going to be hectic, I’ll even start the dough before I go to bed. Adds a longer ferment to the dough and develops more delicious flavor.
The only thing missing to a standard pizza dough recipe is seasoning. It is a true game changer when attempting to get your homemade pizza to taste like the stuff that gets delivered to your home.
My pizza seasoning could not be easier. It contains:
Onion powder – high in vitamin c, rich in b vitamins, and powerful antioxidant.
Garlic powder – great for immunity, high in vitamin c and anti inflammatory. Combines with onion powder it’s the perfect pair in an Italian cuisine.
Basil – whether fresh from your garden or dried, it’s the perfect pairing to tomato sauce. Great for skin and gut. Anti inflammatory and detoxifying.
Oregano – rich in antioxidant. Anti bacterial and anti inflammatory.
In our house as a little extra treat, I love to drizzle some fermented garlic sauce for little burst of sweetest. Especially in the winter months. Fermented garlic is not just sweet and delicious but adds so many additional health benefits such as immune support and healthy bacteria.
When combining these four seasoning you have the ultimate flavor combination to get your bland homemade pizza crust and take it over the top to taste like the competition that deliver to your house.
The recipe could not be easier. Combine equal parts of all 4 seasoning and store it in an air tight jar such as a mason jar. If using fresh herbs, just combine the amount needed to make pizza tonight. Approximately a teaspoon of each herb. However, I love to dry out herbs from my garden then make a large batch of this seasoning mix so it’s easier to add to my sour dough discard pizza crust.
Although it is the perfect pairing to pizza, get creative and throw it in any Italian inspired dishes. Pasta night, meatball mix, or sausage and peppers. The combination of garlic, onion, basil and oregano is the Bonnie to tomatoes Clyde.
Having pre made seasoning mixes in your kitchen easily elevates your from scratch meals while being more efficient in your kitchen. They also make wonderful gifts! Grab some beautiful ribbon or twine and tie a bow on a mason jar.
I hope you get as much use of this pizza seasoning as I do. Bon appetite!
This post contains affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you.
Garlic Powder – https://amzn.to/3FEupxC
Basil – https://amzn.to/3FZdkjh
Oregano – https://amzn.to/3uWrlIv
Onion Powder – https://amzn.to/3HIpxKu
Mason Jars – https://amzn.to/3hAa70c