Discover The Most Wasteful Food in Your Home!

Do you ever throw away food far too often and not understand why your grocery bill keeps increasing? Well, it's time to look closely at what is happening in your refrigerator and pantry.

You might be surprised to discover that several common items in the average home tend to get forgotten or thrown out before they can be used, costing money every single week!

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Let's discuss some of the top most wasted foods in homes today and ways to prevent them from being wasted (and save your wallet!).

Let's begin with some facts about food waste, shall we?

Foods thrown in trash bin

Americans waste 130 billion meals or over $408 billion worth of food each year. Shockingly, nearly 40% of all food in America is wasted. This waste happens at every food production and distribution stage, from farmers to retailers to our homes. 

According to statistics, the United States discards more food than any other country worldwide, with nearly 40 million tons – 80 billion pounds – wasted yearly. This amounts to 30-40 percent of the entire US food supply and equates to 219 pounds of waste per person. 

Food waste is the single largest component taking up space inside US landfills, making up 22 percent of municipal solid waste.

The reasons for such wastage include confusion over expiration labels, impulsive food purchases, and a general lack of appreciation for the abundance of food available, which I talk about in my post called 40 Reasons You Waste Money On Food.

Did you know that 43% of all food waste happens in homes?

Americans often buy too much food, resulting in uneaten excess and eventually in the trash. Another reason for this waste is confusion around food expiration dates, with many people throwing out perfectly good food due to misunderstandings about when it goes bad. 

While it may seem small, reducing household food waste can greatly impact the fight against hunger and the environment. Let's all try to buy only what we need and utilize leftovers and scraps whenever possible. 

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What are the top most wasted foods?

A recent survey revealed that meat and poultry are the most wasted food in homes, followed by fruits and vegetables. Dairy products such as milk and cheese are also commonly wasted. Bread, prepared foods, and condiments round out the top 5.

Assorted groceries on the table


One of the most commonly wasted foods are vegetables, which often spoil before they can be consumed. One way to reduce waste is to plan your meals ahead of time and buy only the necessary ingredients for the week. Another option is to freeze vegetables that are approaching their expiration date to use later.


Fruit can spoil quickly if not used right away. The best way to reduce fruit waste is by buying only what you need and eating it before it goes bad. It's also helpful to get creative with your fruit and use it in salads, smoothies, or desserts.

Dairy Products (milk, cheese, yogurt)

Dairy products spoil quickly, which often leads to waste. To minimize waste, purchase the smallest package available and consume it within a week. Consider freezing milk or yogurt if you cannot finish it within this time frame.

Meat (beef, pork, poultry, etc.)

To avoid meat from going bad quickly and being wasted, it's best to plan meals in advance. This means buying only the necessary amount of meat and freezing any extra portions for future consumption.

Grains (bread, pasta, rice, etc.)

To avoid wasting grains, purchasing and storing only the amount you need in air-tight containers or bags is best. If you happen to have leftover grains, a good idea is to repurpose them into a different dish like a casserole or breakfast bowl.

Fish and Seafood

To avoid spoilage, purchasing only the amount of fish and seafood you'll need for the week is important. Additionally, you can freeze any remaining portions for later use.

Sauces and Condiments

Sauces and condiments are often wasted because they can expire quickly. Sometimes we purchase larger sizes for the best value but don't use the whole thing. To avoid waste, purchase smaller quantities for those sauces and spices you don't use often, and freeze or refrigerate them if you can't finish.

Snacks (chips, candy, etc.)

Snacks are another wasted food in your home, usually because they've been sitting around for too long. To reduce waste, buy only the needed amount and store them in air-tight containers or Ziploc bags to preserve their freshness.

Beverages (coffee, tea, juice, soda, etc.)

Ever had leftover coffee or an opened soda can with some liquid still left in it? To avoid wasting these beverages, buy smaller amounts you can finish within the same day. Additionally, freezing leftover coffee or tea is another great way to extend its shelf-life and reduce waste.


Eggs are often wasted because we buy too many for the week and don't use them in time. To avoid wasting eggs, check expiration dates before purchase and plan meals that involve eggs beforehand. Additionally, freezing leftovers can extend their shelf-life if you can't finish them all.

Below is a table that shows the top wasted food in the US and the estimated yearly cost per household:

Top Wasted Foods Yearly Cost Per Household
Fresh Produce $594
Dairy $340
Meat $163
Seafood $53
Grains and Baked Goods $198
Condiments and Sauces $87
Snacks $191

Please note that these estimates are based on various sources, including reports from nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and academic studies. The actual numbers may vary depending on the methodology and data sources used. The estimated costs are calculated based on the average household size in the US, which is about 2.5 people, and assume that the household wastes an amount of food proportional to the national average.

What is the most wasteful food?

According to 2023 statistics, the most wasted food in America is still bread, with over 240 million slices thrown away yearly. Milk and potatoes follow closely behind, with approximately 5.9 million glasses of milk and 5.8 million potatoes discarded annually. 

Cheese and apples also make the list, with 1.3 million apples and a significant amount of cheese wasted yearly. By learning how to store and repurpose leftover food properly, individuals can help reduce the unnecessary waste of these common foods.

Foods thrown in trash bin

How much money do we waste on food?

​Americans throw away about $640 worth of food yearly, resulting in an estimated total of nearly $1.3 trillion wasted annually. This money could be used for other needs, such as housing and medical care, but is instead lost to food that never gets eaten. By being more mindful when it comes to shopping and using leftovers, you can save yourself a lot of money.

With so much food wasted each year, it is more important than ever to be mindful of the food we purchase and how we store it. Shopping smarter and using leftovers properly are two great ways to help cut down on food waste in your home – and save some money in the process (a win-win!)!

Why do Americans waste so much food?

Americans waste so much food because of a combination of reasons. People are often confused by the labeling on expiration dates, leading to throwing away food that is still safe.

Additionally, people tend to buy too much food at once, resulting in uneaten excess that goes straight into the trash. Impulse buying and confusion over portion sizes are also contributing factors.

Person throwing leftover foods in trash bin

The good news is that we can all help reduce food waste in our homes and communities with more awareness and better practices.

By being mindful of the food we have in our homes, buying only what we need, understanding expiration labels, and utilizing leftovers whenever possible, we can cut down on the amount of food that goes to waste and save money in the process.

It is important to remember that every little bit counts when it comes to reducing our food waste – so let's all take action and start doing our part today!

The post Discover The Most Wasteful Food in Your Home! appeared first on My Stay At Home Adventures.

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